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In Him,


Baba Story About Prout Government + Types of Ista Mantras & More

From: "Ramlal Deva"
Subject: Baba Story About Prout Government
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2013 23:26:08 +0530


This entire email is composed of 4 parts:
(1) Posting: Baba Story About Prout Government;
(2) Posting: Two Opposite Types of Mantras;
(3) Posting: Baba's Procedural Order: No Co-Education Upon Entering Puberty
(4) Prabhat Samgiita #3580.

Each section is demarcated by asterisks (***).



Note: This short story is related with one very senior Proutist - Shrii Shashi Ranjanji, a key member of parliament with a high post and a founding member of PBI (Proutist Block of India). The following story is one key point where Sadguru Baba graciously responds to Shashi Ranjanji's query on Prout policies. Shashi Ranjanji is also known as Shashi Ranjan Sahu.

On various occasions, I was blessed to be along with Baba while He was delivering guidelines on Prout.

We all knew that Baba's plan was that margiis should challenge every election and run for every seat of Parliament. This was Baba's outlined approach.

In my mind, however, I was wondering what would happen if really margiis ran for and won every seat of parliament. In that case, who would serve as the opposition group in Parliament.

For instance, in the general democratic system, there is one elected party in power. And all elected officials of that majority party will automatically and brazenly support their elected executive chief, i.e. the leader of the country. This is the norm. Yet, side by side, there are many other elected officials who are part of one or more minority groups. And it is these minority group(s) that stand as an oppositional force to the party in power. That is the way it runs. But if one party gets 75% or 80% of the seats in Parliament or Congress, then there is hardly any debate - what a leader wants do they do by voice vote. What to speak of if one group gets 100% of the seats.

Thus, if the Prout Party runs for and wins every seat of Parliament then how will there be an opposition group. Every elected official will be a Proutist and hence part of the Prout party. Then where is there scope for any opposition. This was the quandary in my mind.

So I asked Baba, "Suppose, all the members of Parliament are from the Proutist party then how will there be any opposition?"

Baba told, "Yes, there will be scope for opposition. Elected members of Parliament will pressurise those at the helm and ensure that Prout principles are followed and implemented. The loyalty of the elected leaders will not take the shape of blind support for the top post holder, but rather their loyalty will be in the form of the rational and just implementation of Proutistic ideals - in the service of the entire society. Those elected leaders will be vigilant that Proutists in the top executive offices are discharging their duties properly. On such points, there will be vigorous and open debate. That is how the opposition will be formed when Proutists have 100% of the seats in Parliament."

I thought, "Yes, this is how we will proceed when Proutists win over all elected seats of Parliament. They will not work like general politicians wherein elected members of the ruling party blindly support the executive branch."

At His Lotus Feet,
Shashi Ranjan


Unfortunately, nowadays in Ananda Marga, those in the executive body (i.e. purodhas in Central Office) do not appreciate any opposition from their own members, let alone from field workers and general margiis. That is why countless wrongs are going on in AMPS.

The duty of general purodhas is to keep a sharp eye on the executive body, and take them to task when they veer from Baba's teachings. However, instead of taking dharmic stand, such purodhas are stooges. They sit there and allow top purodhas to do as they wish - wholly disregarding Guru's mandates.

Once again, the main problem nowadays in AMPS is that healthy debate and criticism is not allowed. In that condition, general wts and margins have no voice. Top purodhas rule according to their convenience. Then sin and crime brews. In the end, they all drown in the mud of their own crime and sin.

If anyone does not understand this short explanation please write back.

in His service,


Subject: Two Opposite Types of Mantras
From: Gaungadhar ght2314@gtu...
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2013 20:44:21


Here is one very important and unique aspect about ista mantras in our Ananda Marga sadhana system. Baba has only discussed this point on select occasions - i.e. very rarely.

'Mananat tarayet yastu sah mantrah parikiirttitah'

"Mantra is that particular word whose repetition or auto-suggestion or outer-suggestion helps the microcosm free itself of all the fetters of physical, psychic, and spiritual life." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, p. 96)

In His above teaching, Baba is guiding us about the important role auto and outer suggestion have in the repetition of a mantra. We all know that in the first lesson of our Ananda Marga sadhana we use a mantra. Each one of the Ananda Marga ista mantras are based either on auto suggestion or outer suggestion. At the time of initiation, based on their samskara, every Ananda Margii is given their own personal ista mantra. And that is the mantra they will use for their entire life.



So some sadhakas have ista mantras which are based exclusively on auto-suggestion; and some have mantras based only on outer suggestion. It varies from mantra to mantra.

For example, for some sadhakas, their ista mantra is based on auto suggestion. The meaning is, 'I am that...', i.e. 'I am Brahma'.

So, in this case, the sadhaka is suggesting this idea to himself while repeating his mantra. And during the repetition of the first half of the ista mantra  while inhaling the sadhaka thinks 'I am'. And when repeating the second half of the ista mantra while exhaling he ideates on 'Brahma'. The full idea is: "I am Brahma." This is how the ista mantra works with auto suggestion. And that is what Baba is referring to in the above guideline.

Whereas in outer suggestion, the types of mantra used in first lesson are somewhat different.

In that case, Gurushakti gives the suggestion to the sadhaka, 'you are that...', i.e. 'you are Brahma'. So here 'you' means the sadhaka, not someone else. Thus during the first half of the mantra on the inhalation the idea comes from Gurushakti to the sadhaka that 'you are'. And on the second half of the ista mantra upon exhalation the ideation is on 'Brahma'. The full idea is: "You are Brahma." This is how an ista mantra works with outer suggestion.

In the Ananda Marga sadhana system, most of the ista mantras are based on auto-suggestion. It is rare to receive an ista mantra based on outer suggestion.



Thus when repeating their ista mantra every sadhaka must follow their assigned mantra - either it is auto suggestion or outer suggestion, depending on their mantra - as it is allotted by their acarya. No individual is given two mantras. Every sadhaka is given one single mantra, and that mantra is based either on auto or outer suggestion.

So one must not do both types, auto & outer. This should never be done. One has either been assigned an auto suggestion mantra or one based on outer suggestion. The one you have received is what you will use for the duration.

In select circumstances, if a mistake was made at the time of initiation, it may be that certain individuals need to have their ista mantras changed. If so, this is always done by an acarya. Beyond that, every sadhaka should always use the ista mantra given to them at the time of initiation.

Just as one should not take two different antibiotics at the same time, similarly one should not use both types of ista mantras, i.e. auto and outer. Likewise, just as one should not stand on two different moving vehicles at the same time, similarly one should not use both types of ista mantras, i.e. auto and outer.

Here every sadhaka should keep in mind that this distinction between the auto and outer ista mantras is a very subtle aspect of sadhana. Only discuss this point with those acaryas who have a very keen interest in sadhana. If you ask those wts who are fully involved in mundane dealings, business, and xyz pursuits, they will only yawn and misguide you, unfortunately. If you search you will find that there are many sincere acaryas.

Note: This matter of auto and outer suggestion is related with one's ista mantra. So I cannot write the actual mantras here because they cannot be told openly. So it is the duty of sadhakas to communicate one-on-one with an acarya on this.


"The mind thinks with concentration, that is, the mind meditates. Regarding this faculty of thinking, if it is done in a methodical way, the result is certainly positive...But if it is not done in a methodical way, the general result is negative." (2 June 1990 RU, Anandanagar)


The purpose in writing about auto and outer suggestion of mantra is two-fold:

(a) All sadhakas should understand the meaning of their mantra; those not aware should consult their acarya.

(b) By raising this matter, acaryas will be forced to educate themselves on the deeper aspects of sadhana.

At His Lotus Feet,


Subject: Baba's Procedural Order: No Co-Education Upon Entering Puberty
From: Kavita@opera...
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 22:33:46



"Some of you are aware that one central didi - herein referred to as Didi D - is extremely attached with a young man of 18 years of age, whom we shall call Mr. S. The situation is not at all ordinary - rather quite abnormal. They live together: Sleeping, eating, and going together etc. Didi D and Mr S are very linked with each other.

The reason why this is such an important matter is because this has the makings of becoming a systemic issue within our Marga. The likes of which have been the downfall of many religions and spiritual communities. We should not let our Ananda Marga suffer the same fate."

According to the following procedural order, Didi Ananda Dyotona is disobeying Baba and contravening His stated guideline. That is very unfortunate. Didiji is doing adharmic work, incurring sin and bad samsakras, as well as ruining the life of a young man, Shubham. The whole scene is quite tragic.

Here following is Baba's own Procedural Order which states that our Ananda Marga schools must not be co-ed once children have reached the age of puberty.



PLO no. 1A/4.2.1969

As per rules, co-education is allowed in our Schools up to Standard V. but boys who are learning in Std. V or below but have crossed twelve years of age will not be permitted to study in any of our lady managed Schools. Similarly girls who are learning in Std. V or below but have crossed 12 years of age, shall not be allowed to study in our Schools (for boys).

Feb 4, 1969

Note: Standard V is the equivalent of 5th grade or 5th class in the western system.

According to Baba's above procedural order on co-education, there are two determining factors. If one has reached the age of 12 then that is one point to separate males and females in their schooling. Secondly, if any student has completed Standard V grade, they must be in gender-separated learning environment. So if one has completed standard V and still is not 12yrs of age, then they cannot continue into grade VI in a co-ed school. Thus, boys and girls cannot attend the same school if they are of 12 years of age or have completed Standard V grade, whichever comes first.

The real essence of the stipulation is based upon adolescence or puberty. Once the mammary glands have developed in girls and the related glands for boys, then they cannot attend the same school. That is Baba's guideline.

So nowadays when in some parts of the world, girls and boys enter into adolescence at the age of 8, then that marks the time they must attend a single-gender school.

"Yes, I am interested in receiving the scanned PO"

The above is Baba's procedural order. Baba has given the order and in due course GS Dada would sign and circulate it. The above is the email version. If you want a scanned copy of the actual order then click reply and paste this into the subject box: "Yes, I am interested in receiving the scanned PO".

in Him,


For more about the situation with Didiji and Shubham click on the below link.

**** Here begins the Prabhat Samgiita ****

"Madhur mohan tumi cita-rainjan a'cho sada' sa'the sa'the..." (3580)


O' Parama Purusa, You are very sweet, most attractive. You have coloured my mind in Your colour. That is why You are Cita-Rainjan [1]. Always You are remaining with me side by side. You have removed the despair and filled my heart with Your love. All the darkness & hopelessness was removed by that light.

O' Divine Entity, You are beyond the scriptures, intellect, logic, and reasoning, You are above all these; You are Alakha-Nirainjain [2], beyond description. Infinite and unblemished. Only You can shatter the bondage of avidya maya - the mirage of negative attraction - and grant salvation. Baba, You are the most charming, the most sweet, my own...


[1] Cita-Rainjan: Baba guides us & we all know that devotion is that unique ingredient which allows one to advance in the spiritual field. Without innate love for Parama Purusa one can never succeed. By Baba's divine grace, in His role as Cit-Rainjan, He is that Divine Entity who colours and saturates the mind of sadhakas in the fountain of devotion. Baba says, "'rainjana', which means 'the One who colours' - that which colours the mind." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-1) So He is that Cosmic Being who graciously showers devotional love into the heart and mind of the bhakta. And by such overwhelming Cosmic grace, the devotee becomes immersed in Supreme bliss and comes in the closest proximity with that Love Personified Entity: Parama Purusa.

[2] Alakhanirainjan: ('Alakh' means 'invisible'; 'nir' means 'no'; 'ainjan' means 'black spot'.) Of the infinite attributions of Parama Purusa, one of which is that He is invisible and blemishless-- totally pure and perfect. That is why He is known as Alakhanirainjan. Because in this world unit beings are bound by their past actions, by their samskaras; and this creates a black mark in their mind. But being Alakhanirainjan, being both invisible and blemishless, Parama Purusa is totally beyond the realm of sense perception and beyond the realm of samskara. His mind never gets stained. He remains eternally pure and spotless.

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