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Re: About That Famous Bogus Quote #4

From: Turiiya_Deva34@fitness.disc.....
Subject: Re: About That Famous Bogus Quote #4
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 20:01:29 +0000



~ Part 4 ~

(Includes News About Certain Workers)

(Note: This is the fourth letter in this series. Links to the first three letters on this topic are appended below. - Eds)

I am so glad that you brought up this topic about this bogus merge-in-mission quote. I have wondered about this quote for years. It makes so much sense when you say that Baba would never merge Himself into His creation. We should merge into Him through dhyana, not karma yoga.

I believe that the person(s) behind fabricating this quote and making it quote public did so to get more people to do karma yoga as a primary way of being, compared to doing more introvertive means such as dhyana.

Why would someone want others to do more karma yoga than dhyana? I don't really know for certain. Perhaps, by engaging in the work more and more, the prestige of one suborganization such as SDM over another like ERAWS might be the reason. The more work done for a particular group the more they can brag and say, 'Look what we have done. See how much we have accomplished.' Or maybe these group leaders were trying to use this as a way to gain maximum control over the margiis. Or maybe there are people out in the world that don't want others to realize the Supreme Being?


I recall my own experiences from being in India for DMC and reporting with Baba. In those days, to best utilise my time and prepare my mind for His divine darshan, I would sit for 10 hours of sadhana so I might receive and see Him in a devotional way. This was my approach, by His grace. Because if the mind is fickle or extroverted then one cannot feel His true sweetness. But some did not think I should be doing 10 hours of dhyana daily because it was "unbalanced." Those who spoke like this - primarily dadas - were mainly karmiis. When in fact, doing too much karma yoga and not enough dhyana was the real cause of any imbalance for many.

Yes, there are some in the world who not only do not want to realize Baba in every sitting, but they do not want others to know Him, either! They purposely scoff and mock!

I recall one time when I meditated many hours while waiting for Baba to come to the dais and I was told later that some Didis were laughing saying,"What is he sitting like that for?! Liberation?!" When I heard that I said to myself, 'Why of course, what else would I be sitting like that for?! We must sit each time as if we want Him now, not later on. He is our priority, not just doing sadhana as if it is a chore to check off our list of things to do for the day!'

At times, I used to do sadhana outside Baba's Tiljala gates waiting for Him to go to Lake Gardens. So, my presence at that spot gave me a good vantage point. When He would leave I would get a front row seat to see Him. One time while doing long sadhana outside Baba's gates in Tiljala, one Indian LFT shouted, "Baba's coming, Baba's coming!" I leaped up to see Him and saw that it was a false alarm. The brother was hooting and hollaring with laughter that he disturbed my sadhana in such a manner. Others laughed along with him, too. I sat down and resumed sadhana. Afterwards, I thought 'Why would someone do that? Why would someone disturb another's dhyana on Baba?' I still do not have the answer except maybe they are jealous that they have not been graced by Him to sit long hours pining for Him. I don't know.

In my home country of NY Sector, when anyone sat for long sadhanas, some margiis (mostly karmiis) thought that the sadhaka was "anti-social." These karmiis would prefer to gossip, that is, talk about things other than Him. Or sometimes they were jealous and said the sadhaka was "showing off."


And while many of these events occurred years ago, I have come to know these same types of things continue to go on in the organization today:

(1) In particular, one central didi becomes angry when anyone sings during paincjanya in the jagrti / Central office (Ranchi). She bitterly complains, "What are you doing! This is my time to sleep - do not make such noise! If you must sing then do it in a whisper - this is my time to sleep!" Then didiji promptly goes back to bed.
(2) Not only that, this same didi then wakes up at 7am - if she sees that others are still doing their sadhana lessons, she cries out, "Stop your sadhana, breakfast is needed, I have to be in Central Office by 8am - quick quick." Didiji skips her sadhana and asanas entirely; she takes bath and then directly goes to take food - which others have prepared for her.
(3) The name of this Central Didi is Ananda A. She is the one who sleeps late, does not allow others to practice paincajanya, and interrupts those doing longer sadhana.
(4) DidiAnanda Niitimaya has similar habits.
(5) Then there is this point: As many know, for avadhutas, it is mandatory to do night sadhana one time per month. For tantrikas - i.e. for all Ananda Margiis - night sadhana is a very special practice. However, if any young and inspired dada or didi shows an inclination and deep interest in night sadhana, then top Wts harass and abuse that worker. They say, "This is not good - if you do more night sadhana then Baba will curse you!" So they do everything they can to discourage and mock those interested in deeper sadhana.
(6) What so speak of sadhana, even if one didi or dada is sincere in kaoshikii and tandava or half-bath, then they face abuse and ridicule from their seniors and supervisors.

Such is the "culture" that has developed in our organization. Those inclined toward spiritual practice are sidelined, abused, and alienated.


This goes hand in hand with the fabrication of the bogus quote about merge-in-mission. Top Dadas want to use this fake quote to bring all under their control. To do that, they tried to cultivate the devotional sentiment that Baba merged in the mission. But rational margins and workers can never accept such a preposterous proclamation. That bogus quote is illogical and irrational. I support those who have shown that this never appeared in any sanctioned Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) publication.

All in all, my thinking is this: If somebody does not want to attain Godhood, then so be it. But do not stop others along the way who want to become One with Him! Leave us alone!


Note 1: IN REPLY TO...

"It is this next part that is of such a dubious nature:

"If you want to know me, work for my mission, because I have merged myself with my mission."

This part of the quote proclaims that the Cosmic Entity Baba (Ista) has merged Himself into yet another lesser entity - i.e. mission.

Here we have to remember that all beings emanate from the Cosmic Entity (Ista) - so Ista is the Hub of the entire cosmological order. Thus, there is nothing greater or bigger than Ista because that Ista is Purusottoma or the Cosmic Hub. So it is impossible for that infinite, Divine Hub to wholly merge into yet another hub. This is a false and ludicrous notion to think that the Cosmic Entity is merging into something else which has been created by Him.

Here again we can think:

Parama Purusa is the Supreme Nucleus and all the jiivas are ultimately merging into Him. He is the Hub & He is infinite. So when He is that Universal Hub and the final abode of all unit beings, then how is He going to merge into something else that is smaller which He Himself created, i.e. mission. Parama Purusa is infinite so how can He merge in that which is finite (mission). This is a totally illogical notion that goes 100% against Baba's teachings on brahmacakra, or the cycle of creation. Brahma is the Ultimate Entity and does not merge into something else. Ista does not merge into adarsha; rather, Ista is the creator of adarsha."


"Jyotsna'-ra'te malay va'te a'mi toma'y kato khunjechi..." (PS 3870)


Baba, O' my Dearmost, by Your grace, my heart is aching and longing for You. With that restless heart, I have anxiously searched for You on this full moon night. Baba, in my good days I spent all my time trying to find You. I searched for You in the ocean breeze and in so many natural surroundings. Baba, I looked and went everywhere in search of You - but I could not find You anywhere. Baba, in the end I remained isolated and alone, and I resigned myself to accept that this is just my fate - not to get You.   

Baba, I longed to have Your intimate companionship and company. But I could not meet You face to face in the flower garden. I could not get You all alone - all to myself. Baba, I searched You in so many rivers, mountains and forests. But never could I get success - not anywhere. After that I tried hard to find You inside my heart; I looked within. Yet I did not see You sitting there in the throne of my heart. There also I could not find You. Baba, after all that I shed so many tears wallowing in my hopelessness of not getting You. In my frustration and agony, I have cried so much, out of my heartfelt longing for You.

Baba, I only searched for You in the effulgence. By Your grace, now I understand that You alone are the effulgence - the divine One, the most pristine Entity. So I am trying to remove whatever blackness exists in the mind - which occurred due to my own mistakes. Even today my mind remains filled with darkness because I could not get You. Baba, the darkness of my mind will only be removed when You appear, because You are the effulgence. With the pain of this melancholic longing, I request You to please make me pure so I may hold You, O' my Dearmost.

Baba, please be gracious and come into my heart...

Mahaprayan of Ac. Aksharananda Avt

Date: Thu 20 Sep 2012 07:21:38
From: Rajendra Singh
Subject: Mahaprayan of Ac. Aksharananda Avt



It is with sadness and shock that we share with you news of the mahaprayan* (death) of Ac. Aksharananda Avt. Respected Dadaji died while working in Nairboi sector, in the country of Tanzania. This is a great loss to us all.

As many know, Ac. Aksharanand jii was a courageous and valiant worker who was blessed to sacrifice for the high ideal of dharma. During emergency, when Mrs. Indhira Gandhi's wrath knew no limits, then while standing for righteousness of Ananda Marga, Ac Aksharananda jii was arrested in Jaipur. He was tortured and suffered much, yet all the while stood as a shining example of dedication to Guru.

It is our loss to that Ac. Aksharanand jii has encountered his mahaprayan (death). Acaryaji served for many years in our VSS department, and his mahaprayan is an untimely one - his life with us on this earth was too short.

May we all take solace in the fact that Ac. Aksharananda jii was a strong sadhaka and practicing sadhana regularly; certainly he will attain mukti or moksa, accordingly. Baba will lovingly bestow His grace.

With deepest regards,
Rajendra Singh


Here it should be qualified that there is both real mahaprayan and fake mahaprayan. Real mahaprayan marks the death of any ordinary human being. This is the proper use of the term: To note a person's departure from this earth. That is the way mahaprayan is to be used.

Then there is the fake, or so-called, or dogmatic mahaprayan.That is when certain vested interests try to apply the mahaprayan term to Parama Purusa Himself. This is totally inappropriate because when Baba is that Divine Entity who is beginningless and endless and resides always in our heart, then it is totally wrong to proclaim that He is gone.

That is why rational margiis are protesting; because the Oct 21st program is so-called mahaprayan. So-called means that something is fake. Parama Purusa is eternal, thus for some vested interests to declare "mahaprayan of Parama Purusa" is nothing but so-called mahaprayan.

Mahaprayan only really happens in the case of human beings, not Parama Purusa.


* Mahaprayan (Death):  Many are aware that mahaprayan (death) is the common term used in India and especially in Bengal to describe the death of an honoured or even ordinary person. In that way, the obituary columns of the newspapers of Bengal regularly cite the mahaprayan (death) of various persons of society who died or passed away.

Some may get confused and wrongly think that the word 'mahaprayan' (death) is one extraordinarily devotional term to be used in association with Parama Purusa. But that is not at all the case. Rather to do so is only to undermine the eternal presence of Parama Purusa. That is why no devotees ever use the word 'mahaprayan' in reference to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna. Because Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna exist eternally. Then there is no question of Their mahaprayan (death).

Those who think that Baba is a mortal human being celebrate Mahaprayan on a particular day of the year related with Baba; but, in the true sense, Baba is Parama Purusa so He is eternal and there is no question of His mahaprayan.

And for those who need still more technical proof then all this can be clarified quite readily by referencing the dictionary. Specifically in the Samsad Bengali-English dictionary on page 742. Checking there it will be confirmed that the word 'mahaprayan' means death. Which is why it used to refer to the passing away of even common citizens.

(contributed by one margii)

Recently after dharmacakra, a senior margii was recounting his experiences of having dharma samiiksa with Baba.

He said, "After being punished by Baba, then He called me close and placed me on His lap - I remained there for some time soaking up His love - and He blessed me."

We all enjoyed hearing about his personal account with Baba during dharma samiiksa. When he finished telling his story, there was a call for questions. Various people posed their queries.


Towards the end, one new margii raised his hand and asked, "How did Baba bring you back to life?"

Everyone stared at the new margii in amazement. There was a look of astonishment all around - people were really shocked to hear him say this.

The new sadhaka sensed that something was awry.

He said very matter-of-factly, "I thought that sitting on Baba's Lap means that he (the margii) died - that is why I asked that question."

This was totally eye-opening for those of us in the room: Through our language and expression we had unknowingly taught someone to think that being on Baba's lap is the equivalent of death. Because it seems that nowadays people only use the phrase "Baba's lap" when a person has died, such as "Let him rest peacefully in Baba's lap", as if all who have died have accumulated there. Many emails have been written this way.


At that moment I thought that everyone, new and old, should be clear about the real and devotional meaning of this phrase, "being on Baba's lap." It should not become stigmatized such that it only means death. Because in its true sense, the phrase "being on Baba's lap" really does carry a highly devotional and sweet feeling.

It is just like how a small child sits on its parent's lap. In a similar way, a spiritual child (human being) sits on the lap of Parama Purusa. By Baba's grace this can happen anytime in one's sadhana, especially in dhyana. Such a phrase then should not become  stigmatized because too many people only use it at the time of death.

We should be careful that we do not relegate "Baba's lap" only to the point of death. All these following terms and phrases also only refer to death:

ve bhagavan ko pya're ho gaye
(he has been loved by God)

ve svarga sidhar gaye
(he has gone to heaven )

ve guzar gaye
(he passed away)

mahaprayan hoyeche
 (he died)

We should ensure that the same death connotation does not get attached to, "being on Baba's lap." Because the phrase - "being on Baba's lap" - is a devotional experience that can happen today itself in sadhana, and especially in dhyana. The phrase "being on Baba's lap" should not lose this quality and only mean death. It should not meet the same dark fate as happened with the term harijan.


As we all know, these days in India nobody uses the term harijan to mean "a devotee". Whereas 70 years ago it was used in that way. The term harijan did mean bhakta. But ever since the time of Gandhi when he glued the harijan term to the lowest so-called caste, i.e so-called untouchables, nobody uses the the harijan to mean devotee. Never. Because the term harijan has been stigmatized to mean "untouchable". Nobody uses it to mean "devotee", but that is the original and true meaning of the word.

The phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", should not meet a similar fate. It should not lose its devotional quality and just refer to one's death. That will be very negative.


There are thousands of recorded stories by sadhakas where they use the phrase, "on Baba's lap", when describing their experiences of being with Baba: He used to bless them and bring them on His lap. People should understand the deeply devotional value of this expression, and not just think that Baba's lap means death, i.e. that you can only sit on His lap at the time of death. Still today there are thousands of margiis walking this earth who sat in Baba's lap. And not only that, there are countless more sadhakas who were blessed by Baba in dreams and dhyana wherein they sat in His lap. And still today this deeply devotional experience is attainable by sadhakas, by His grace.

There are so many ways an aspirant can reach unto Baba's lap including in sadhana and especially during dhyana. That is the main idea that should be preserved. Sadhana is a devotional practice and one can sit on Baba's lap in dhyana. We should make it cent-per-cent clear to one and all that the phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", does not mean death.


Here are quoted lines from recently posted emails on various forums, wherein the writer uses the phrase - "in Baba's lap" - with the occasion of death:

- "We are sure that Baba has taken him in His loving lap."
(written by Dada Kalyaneshvarananda on 01 May 2012 in reference to the death of Ac Pratapaditya ji)

So the above line was just posted today by Dadaji. Here following are more examples related with the recent passing of a respected margii sister. Here too the phrase, "in Baba's lap", is used in conjunction with death.

- "May her soul rest in Baba's lap for ever."

- "Let her rest peacefully in Baba's Lap - which she always desired."

- "now she is in beloved Baba's lap"

- "She is now in BÁBÁ'S loving lap"

All of the above lines were written at the time of death. And it is fine to write like this - only the point is that this same phrase "in Baba's lap" should be used when describing one's devotional practices and experiences as well.

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