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Prout: Expel Outsiders


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: Prout Movement: Expel Outside Exploiter Ma'rwa'diis
2. Discussion: Very Deceptive Practice: Survive Off of the Dead
3. End Quote: Repentance Brings Rectification
4. Links

From: viplava757@stcrto.....
To: AnandaMargaUniversal
Subject: Expel Outside Exploiter Ma'rwa'diis
Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2014 23:32:05



Preview: Here is the Proutistic response to a critical element of capitalism: Outside exploiters. This article examines:
1. How a Prout movement was formed to expel outsider exploiters;
2. How capitalism is a hot-bed for outsider exploiters;
3. How corporations like Walmart and Oil corporations etc ravage local communities;
4. How local regions drive their own economy and re-invest locally.
5. Who qualifies themselves as being a true local.

Here is one of our essential Prout policies which Shrii PR Sarkar – the Propounder of Prout – has discussed in numerous discourses.

The rapid spread of outside exploiters has become a critical and pervasive issue in the world today. It severely threatens the peace and security of each and every country, region, state, city, town, and village throughout this earth.

At present, everyone is affected by this. So we should all pay heed and be prepared to wave the flag of Prout on this burning issue.


Back in the 80′s, Shrii PR Sarkar boldly pioneered the the shosaka ma'rwa'dii bhaga'o movement (‘Expel exploiter Ma'rwa'diis') in India because this vaeshayan (i.e capitalist) community of Rajasthan was doing business all around India and ruthlessly exploiting local people wherever they went. The ma'rwa'diis created their industries, exploited local resources, got cheap labor, stepped on or ignored local workers, sold products for huge profits, and then invested their money in other regions.

All along they never identified themselves with where they were living. Just they moved to an area and learned the language with the sole intention of exploiting that place (inhabitants, resources etc) for their own financial gain.

Shrii PR Sarkar boldly put forth the battle cry – shosaka ma'rwa'dii bhaga'o (expel exploiter ma'rwa'diis) – in order to empower local people. The movement became so intense that ma'rwa'diis got terrified. Shrii Sarkar was applying maximum pressure to set the wheels of Prout in motion and put forth the revolutionary example that outside exploiters are not welcome in a community.

Shrii Sarkar's revolutionary endeavour stands for how we should response in these present times. Because still this problem with the ma'rwa'diis and other outside capitalist exploiters is rampant all over the world. We should pay heed to this Prout teaching: ‘Expel outside exploiters'. Let this be our slogan.



Consider these names and brands: Walmart, McDonald's, Home Depot, Starbucks, CVS, and the list goes on and on etc. Walmart will have $475 billion in sales in 2014. Starbucks has 17,000+ coffee-houses around the world. These global chain stores are the chief outside exploiters nowadays.

They come into a locale simply to (a) drive big sales and soaring profits and (b) redirect those funds back to their headquarters far, far away. They create huge earnings in one place and invest those monies somewhere else. Such companies are the classic example of outside exploiters. Today's global economy is full of such players.

With their buying power, tax breaks, political clout, and name (marketing and advertising etc), these mega chain stores utterly wipe out small local businesses. Local entrepreneurs become beggars with the arrival of such stores.

That is why the slogan of the day should be: “Expel Wal-Mart”, “McDonald's Get Out”, “Home Depot Go Home” etc.

Unfortunately, due to their grand propaganda machines, some local people often embrace the arrival of such stores. They think that such shops make their town modern and attract more consumers etc. Or they think that shop sells their favorite food etc. But the fact stands that such mega stores drive local business into the ground and deplete an area of its economic vitality and health by drawing away huge profits and investing that money elsewhere, not in that local community.


From the stand of Prout such outside exploiters in the form of these mega chain-stores is a recipe for disaster for the local economy. Despite the enticement of such stores there is growing awareness of the harm done by such retailers. Still consciousness raising is needed so more of the general populace is aware of the exploitative strategies of these mega chain stores.

As this occurs, as awareness mounts, a growing segment of the population will be raising the slogans:  “Expel Wal-Mart”, “McDonald's Get Out”, “Home Depot Go Home” etc.


The aforementioned stores function primarily on the retail level. Then on a whole other plane are the big oil corporations, mining companies, investment banks, and other capitalist enterprises that work on a grander meta level.

An oil company from the US or China goes into jungle regions of Africa, builds fancy accommodations to house their out-of-town workers, destroys the local eco-system, pumps massive amounts of oil from the earth, pollutes the local water supply, and secures enough natural resources to earn billions of dollars. Side by side, the local villagers are living half-naked in shacks – their whole way of living ruined by these outsiders. The water they drink, the forest they roam, the food they eat all ravaged and decimated by oil moguls.

There are innumerable stories – told and untold – of how outside corporations and agencies exploit a region for big profits, while the environment, peoples, customs, and resources are left in shambles.

Such firms do not treat the land as their own but rather as a gross commodity for profit. That is why their existence in any region is poisonous. Whereas local people are more apt to live in a conscientious and sustainable manner because that is where they live, work, and raise their families etc. This is where they call home.

So this tragic episode of outside exploiters which is so rampant in today's global capitalism is catastrophic. And Prout wholly condemns this entire approach. In Prout, the local people must be in control of their regions economy and natural resources and the money earned must remain in that area. That is the only way to build a balanced economy.

No big banker, mining CEO, or oil baron can claim themselves as a local in those areas where they do their profiteering – regardless of how many houses they own in that region.



Here Shrii Sarkar defines who is a local person. As you will see, it is not based on where a person lives per se, but rather whether they have merged their socio-economic interest in the area where they live.

Prout philosophy states, “Local people are defined as those who have merged individual socio-economic interests with the socio-economic interests of the socio-economic unit they live in. The primary consideration is whether or not people have merged their individual interests with their socio-economic unit, regardless of their colour, creed, race, mother tongue, birthplace, etc. Those who earn their livelihood in a particular socio-economic unit but spend their earnings in another socio-economic unit should be considered as outsiders or non-local people, as this practice is not in accordance with the interests of the socioeconomic unit in which they are employed. It results in the drainage of the capital necessary for the continued growth of that unit and undermines its economic development.” (1)

So in His above teaching, Shrii Sarkar states that those who earn money in one place like El Salvador and spend & invest it in another like England are outsiders / non-local people in El Salvador.

Here Shrii Sarkar examines how this takes shape in today's capitalist system.

Prout philosophy states, “Capitalists, in either their singular or collective forms, are the most pernicious economic exploiters today. All over the world they are continually exploiting local economies and draining their wealth. In nearly all cases the profits they accrue are spent outside the local area and remitted to outside stockholders and parent companies. An essential measure to control this economic exploitation is that the speculative markets in all countries of the world should be closed down immediately.” (2)

So this is a widespread and deep-rooted problem nowadays. The only way to undo this trend and bring economic balance and stability is by ensuring the money earned in a particular region stays in that area. That is the Prout teaching.


To solve this issue, Prout advocates that local people should be in charge of their own economies.

Here Shrii Sarkar gives more insight as to who is a "local person." Anyone of any nationality can become a local person in any region so long as their financial interests coincide with those of that area.

Prout philosophy states, “Local people are those who have merged their individual socio-economic interests with the socio-economic interests of the socio-economic unit they live in. Clearly, this concept of local people has nothing to do with physical complexion, race, caste, creed, language or birth place. The fundamental issue is whether or not each person or family has identified their individual socio-economic interests with the collective interests of the concerned socio-economic unit. Those who have not done so should be branded as outsiders.” (3)

Shrii Sarkar's revolutionary endeavour stands for how we should response in these present times. Because still this problem with the ma'rwa'diis and other outside capitalist exploiters is rampant all over the world. We should pay heed to this Prout teaching: ‘Expel outside exploiters'. Let this be our slogan.

In Him,

1. Prout in a Nutshell – 13
2. Prout in a Nutshell – 13
3. Prout Economics

== Section 2 ==


Eds Note: Here following is an exchange between two margiis - Vyasaji & Sudamaji - as they engage in a conversation on a very important topic.



You know, there are other cultures (a.k.a. outside of Ananda Marga) that offer food as a way of showing hospitality to those people who came to a wake or funeral to offer condolences to the bereaved person. The food has nothing to do with the deceased. Do you think Baba is saying that this is bad, too?

Just wondering how to deal with other cultures in light of our own. In my country, and in my extended family, this practice is done to show hospitality only. Nothing do to with ostentatiousness; nothing to do with the priest class receiving food. It is purely for the guests who might have come from many hours away to pay their respects and to offer their condolence.

What do you say?


Namaskar Vyasaji,

1. In Ananda Marga the financial responsibility of cremating the dead body falls on the unit / bhukti, not the family.

2. On the one side the family lost its earning member or loved one and at the same time all kinds of relatives and guests come and they have to feed. This is unpshyological and inhumane.

3. Those crying and suffering do not want to eat; their mind-set is different. Yet those who go there to console them are eating in the house of the grieving family; that is abhorrent.

4. Those who went to console should eat at a restaurant etc. They should not give undue headache to the family of the deceased.

5. But this is not done in the Hindu religion or other religions. Rather the family of the deceased often has to incur loans to offer that feast.

6. Baba wiped out this dogma. The standard in Ananda Marga is that even the cost of the cremation should be shared by the bhukti members. It is not the sole responsibility of the grieving family.

7. Here also the bhukti committee is not reponsible for making a feast during the time of shradda. This is bad for various reasons including competing over the size of the feast for various bhukti members when they pass.

8. Each individual attending the shraddha and visiting the grieving family should manage their own food separately.

9. The spirit is not to give financial burden or problem to the suffering family.

10. But many instances where hypocrisy is done then food is not taken in their house but the deceased family must pay the food arrangement in a restaurant or in neighbors house. That happens in some places but that is sinful. it is a very deceptive practice.

11. So many places there are wts involved in hypocrisy. They pressure the grieving family and ask for donations. This is their vulture’s habit;they survive off of the dead.

If you still have any questions or if anything is not clear, let me know.

in Him,

== Section 3 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.


"One is seized by a feeling of repentance when one realizes (either from within or with the help of a second person) the impropriety of one’s action." (APH-8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet)

"Someone might have committed a pátaka [sin of commission], but after that wrong action feels repentance, and compensates for the harm his or her action caused. After such repentance and compensation, the action is no longer a sin. Suppose someone has stolen a thousand rupees from someone else. If after this theft the thief feels compunction and returns the money – better, however, with the inclusion of interest thereon – and begs forgiveness, that will mean that the person’s sin has been washed away. The person should no longer be called a sinner." (AV-9, "Take Refuge in Parama Puruśa with Unswerving Attention")


"If, knowingly or unknowingly, you have committed any mistake or any sin, then your repentance and your singing kiirtana, wholeheartedly, will free you from all sins. So, your future is always bright, never dark, never dark." (AV-12, The Real Value of the Human Entity)

== Section 4 ==


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