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Devotional Confusion

Subject: Devotional Confusion Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 07:55:28 From: "Gaurishankar Agrawal" To: AM-GLOBAL Baba "Toma'ke ceyechi a'mi jiivaner prati pale..." (P.S. 2106) Purport: Baba, I want You in each and every sphere of my life-- all the time, every moment. Baba, please come in every honey-filled seed vessel of my hundred petal mental lotus. Baba, whatever beautiful things I have, whatever good things I have-- I am offering everything unto You. Baba, please grace me by coming with Your most attractive form. O' my dearmost, Your everything is so very beautiful. You are that most resplendent divine Entity-- perfectly effulgent. Just as the shining moon does not have any black spots; similarly, O' Parama Purusa, You are resplendent and blemishless-- perfectly pristine & pure. Baba, please shower Your causeless grace on me; please remove my fear and shyness from my unit mind. Please take away all those impurities that are accumulated in my mental plate. Baba, please grace me with the eternal gift of devotion. Baba, I do not have any worldly desire-- just I want Your closeness. That is why I go on searching You while doing all kinds of works, O' my Lord of Lords. Baba, in each and every moment of my life, in all my deeds and in all my thoughts I want Your Presence-- I want Your grace...
Namaskar, When people propagate and attend the so-called mahaprayan program then a vibration is generated and the feeling that Baba is gone is injected. This notion gets imposed and people start crying. Yet when they again sit for sadhana and ideate on Him then those same sadhakas think that Baba is present. So we should all take a pointed look at this issue and everyone should contemplate the matter and formulate their own idea.
Why then do some propagate such dogma, because of their ulterior motive.
Everyone in Ananda Marga knows that the advent of Ta'raka Brahma is something highly unique and very special. Ta'raka Brahma is the defining characteristic of Tantra. And it is His grand arrival as the Taraka Brahma which enables human beings to reach their pinnacled glory, and it is His advent that paves the way for the rise and victory of dharma. So in A'nanda Ma'rga, the term Ta'raka Brahma is associated with many fantastic thoughts and beautiful ideas. This we all know. Amidst it all, some agents of so-called mahaprayan feel that Baba is gone. This occurs when the mind is very low. Whereas all true Ananda Margiis know and feel in their heart that Baba is always with them.
Here below Baba Himself addresses this exact point regarding Ta'raka Brahma. Baba says, "What is really important is to meditate on the personal God and move towards Him. And this personal God is the Singular Entity, the Ta'raka Brahma. ...He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows-- not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell." (SS-11) So in His above guideline, Baba is giving us many meaningful points. Firstly, that we are to meditate on Taraka Brahma; Secondly, that Taraka Brahma is our personal God; and thirdly, that as the Ta'raka Brahma He resides eternally with us-- in our heart. By these points it is quite clear that Ta'raka Brahma is not gone, not at all. And this answer is not just written in our philosophical texts but is felt in the heart of each and every devotee. In that case we can only conclude that those who think that Ta'raka Brahma has gone, such persons are too literal in their conception of Him and they are too focused in the physical sphere. Those who have no devotion and low minded may think that Baba is gone, otherwise how can one think like that when one is constantly feeling His presence. What to say about Ananda Margiis, even dogmatic people in their own way think that God is with them. That is why they pray and make offerings. If they thought God was not there then what would be the need to do such things. In AM, each and every activity of an Ananda Margii is with Baba. Otherwise they have no idea what is Ananda Marga. Guru mantra is repeated with every action and we think that Baba is watching me. And every breath is a mantra japa. So we are surrounded by Parama Purusa - each and every pulsation of life.
Here in clear-cut language Baba Himself says that as the Ta'raka Brahma He is eternally present with all. Baba says, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings-- That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (CC II p.1) Thus for sadhakas, for Ananda Margiis, Baba as the Ta'raka Brahma is ever-present with us. This is the very essence of our Marga; this is our Tantra; this is our sadhana. And this we all feel. And this is Baba's expressed teaching. It is our internal link with Him in His form as Ta'raka Brahma that is the real spirituality-- that is our real link with Him. It is His image of Ta'raka Brahma in our dhyana which emanates sweet vibrations in the mind. And it is this inner link, our meditation on Ta'raka Brahma, that cultivates that personal, intimate relation between the bhakta and Parama Purusa. And that inner relation never goes away-- it never leaves; as that Taraka Brahma He is always near and dear to each and every sadhaka. Baba says, "Taraka the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows-- not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell." (SS-11) So when His very form of Ta'raka Brahma is our meditation and when it is this eternal inner link with Him that brings us to the stance of salvation, then every sadhaka naturally feels that Baba is with me. Those who propagate the dogma that Baba is gone are themselves hypocrites. Because when they are in trouble, then they pray to Him for help. That means they believe He is present, otherwise why make such a request to a God that is nor present. This is their way of their hypocrisy.
It was indeed necessary for Baba to advent on this earth. By His physical advent of Ta'raka Brahma He was able to teach and guide the humanity. Because people needed to physically see Him in order to learn what to do. And by His physical appearance as the Ta'raka Brahma, He could physically give us a set of teachings by which to live. Plus by His divine advent, He shows us that He loves us. Hence His physical arrival as the Ta'raka Brahma is highly significant and deeply meaningful. It was the absolute need.
At the same time, Baba tells us in countless discourses that it is our internal link with Ta'raka Brahma which brings one closer to Him. That is why it was a standing rule that everyone-- even those Central Workers who were around Baba 24hrs a day-- has to sit at minimum twice a day for sadhana and see and feel Him inside. This every Ananda Margii must do. Because seeing Him physically is not enough. By that way one cannot realise Him. Rather if one fails to sit regularly for sadhana then little by little the mind will go down and down and in that degenerated condition one is sure to think that Ta'raka Brahma is gone. This is the way it works, that is why Baba's Supreme Command unequivocally states that all must sit for sadhana twice daily. Because it only when we do meditation and see Him inside that we are communicating with Him in His true form as Ta'raka Brahma. And that communication is real. Proof being that it is by this way that we develop our relation with Him and progress on the path of sadhana. And indeed and it is through His inner, eternal form of Ta'raka Brahma that He graciously grants us salvation. So none should slip in their practices and allow the mind to fall. Because that will just lead them to the faulty confusion that Ta'raka Brahma is gone. And this type of outlook we do not want any Ananda Margii to have. Rather all should feel Baba's sweet presence in the form of Ta'raka Brahma with them all the time. This is the aim of our sadhana. This is the culminating idea of our life.
As we know Baba is not the first Ta'raka Brahma. Before Him there was Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna. This every Ananda Margii knows. Of course we are devotees of Baba-- not Shiva or Krsna. But it is a well-known and accepted fact in AM that if any non-margii does meditate sincerely on Shiva or Krsna, then they will achieve liberation, nay emancipation. And still today if a Shiva or Krsna devotee thinks of their favoured image of Ta'raka Brahma then they reach that divine stance. In that case who can proclaim that Ta'raka Brahma has left that devotee-- nobody. Of course the difficulty in trying to do dhyana on Shiva or Krsna is that a proper pratikrti [photo] is not available. That is the central defect that makes it so difficult to do dhyana on these earlier Ta'raka Brahmas. Plus most followers of Shiva and Krsna did not get taught the proper method for doing meditation. That is why they are lagging behind and that is why it was so needed and necessary for Baba to take advent as the Ta'raka Brahma. So by His grace at this very moment for each and every Ananda Margii, Baba resides in our mind as the Ta'raka Brahma and through His divine teachings of sadhana we can realise His eternal presence. In fact, this is the only way to realise Him.
From a technical perspective the whole point is that the indriyas or motor and sensory organs work both externally and internally. And part and parcel of the path of sadhana is realising this fact-- that we can see Him as the Ta'raka Brahma inside using our internal organs. With our physical eyes we could see that Baba is there in Patna or Kolkata etc. But it is with our psychic eyes-- internal vision-- that we can see that He is always present and that we need not go to this or that city to find Him. So those who fall prey to a lower outlook, they only use their physical eyes in which case they wrongly think that Ta'raka Brahma is gone. Some in AM think like this from time to time, and not only that they write it on the email. Those who have such type of feeling cannot be called devotees because devotion starts with closeness with Parama Purusa, i.e. salokya sthiti. Put it this way: Devotion means service to God. Then God is the main ingredient. If you think otherwise then how can one be a devotee. When the greater truth is that Ta'raka Brahma remains eternally in the mind, in His true form. And if anyone ideates on Him there they will reach up to nirvikalpa samadhi and get salvation. Because that is where Ta'raka Brahma resides, in the mind-- in Guru cakra. And in that state, in that form He is the Granter of salvation. And with our internal vision we can realise this eternal truth and reach up to. This is that path of our sadhana-- seeing Him inside. So the living reality of a sadhaka is not limited to the external world, for us there is an internal world also and it is by this way that we can reach His divine abode. That is Baba's teaching; and in Ananda Marga this is our way.
By His physical appearance He was able to teach us many things in various spheres of life. And in that flow He has graciously taught us that if we want to come close to Him and realise Him and understand who Ta'raka Brahma is-- then we must search Him within. There is no other substitute-- there is no other way. And that is Baba' divine decree and divine guarantee-- that as the Taraka Brahma He is always with us. There is no scope to think anything but. And if perchance anyone does fall into the hole of thinking that Ta'raka Brahma is gone then it means their mind has degenerated. In which case we should lift them up by the boot straps so they can realise the sweet truth that Baba is always with us in His eternal form of Ta'raka Brahma. This is the way it works for devotees, i.e. for Ananda Margiis.
By Baba's grace as the Ta'raka Brahma He is always with us. Baba says, "You spiritual aspirants, you should remember that Parama Purus'a is always with you and His grace is always with you, and you all are His loving children...You should remember that He's the Supreme Father. He's always calling you and you should always be ready to give a proper response." (SS-19) Namaskar, Gaurishankar
When some sadhakas attend so-called mahaprayan functions then they sometimes think that just as Baba takes birth then He leaves also. In that case they think that Ta'raka Brahma is gone. But this type of conclusion is just a result of their limited look at things. They are relying too heavily on their physical senses and forget their internal vision-- they forget their sadhana. That is why they are only getting a small piece of the puzzle and not the complete picture. And in that provincial way they mistakenly conclude that Ta'raka Brahma is just a temporary entity. Similar is the case when people read the books, "Namami Krsnasundaram" & "Namah Shivaya Shantaya". In that case some think that just as Shiva and Krsna completed their stay, the same thing happened with Baba. That is another defective outlook some persons adopt. Such folks rely too heavily on their physical senses and neglect the finer aspects of the mind. Because we know that the form of Guru as Ta'raka Brahma is not just something physical. It has an eternal force behind it.
Brahmaeva Gurureka na'parah
Baba says, "That is, Brahma Himself is the Guru...Now generally people say that the form is Guru, but the form is not Guru, Guru is expressing Himself through that form." (AV-3) Hence as Baba clearly explains above, the force behind the physical manifestation of Ta'raka Brahma is eternal, and that is why that very form of Ta'raka Brahma is the Supreme One who can lead all unto the divine stance. Because that Ta'raka Brahma eternally resides in the mind of each and every sadhaka. And by seeing Him there and ideating on Him, one will reach that Supreme stance, by Baba's grace.
************************************************* Good Sadhaka
Baba says, "The mind of the man whose consciousness or discriminating judgement is awakened-- whose power of judgment is intense, always remains wedded to the 'Buddhi'. That is to say, his rein (mind) remains constantly under the control of the charioteer (Buddhi or discriminating intellect), and so, quite naturally, his organs remain loyal to the Buddhi. Random rambles of the organ-like horses (organs) will cut no ice with him. But in a case like this if the horses (organs) be bad and untrained, i.e. the organs are faulty, it becomes impossible for the charioteer (discriminating intellect) to get the desired result. Hence for the right functioning of the chariot (body), well-trained horses (organs) are indispensable. A sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) also should train himself likewise. His mind, body, intellect, and organs should be directed towards the Blissful Spirit (Shreya)." (SS-4, p.9)

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