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Relations Btwn Wts & Margiis

Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 23:44:51 -0000 (GMT) From: Singh_Manindra Subject: Relations Btwn Wts & Margiis To: AM-GLOBAL Baba "Tumi esecho a'ma'r ghare..." (PS #3803) Purport: Baba, today You have graced me by coming to my house. This essence I understand-- that today I have received the showering of Your divine grace. Because I know how much sadhana I have. And I know that I do not have such type of strength of sadhana to bring You to my house. Still, amazingly, You have come to my house. It means You have graced me. I received Your grace; this cosmic truth I understand. Today I am seeing with my own eyes that the Supreme Controller of this universe is sitting next to me. Baba, You have come today to my home...
Namaskar, Here are some important points for building up our Marga.
Some may be thinking that if we bring all the various groups together and have them shake hands etc, then we will have true unity in our Marga. But Baba warns us that such type of a plan has absolutely nothing to do with unity. The example is given how bringing a bunch of mafia bosses or bandits together will not lead to the creation of a pure and just society. Similarly, bringing H & B & NIA & EC leaders under one roof will not lead to true unity in our Marga. And indeed it is preposterous to think it would. How is real unity to be established in our Marga, here Baba gives the pointed answer. Baba says, "Human unity is purely an ideological unity." (PNS-15) Baba says, "For the unity of the entire humanity, the indispensable factor is spirituality." (AFPS-2) Thus according to Baba, the only way to advance the cause of real unity in our Marga is to rally around AM ideology-- i.e. the spiritual ideals of AM. That is the only way. Should we overlook this tenet--- if we fail to pay heed to Baba's guideline and instead try to make so-called unity by gluing together various groupist fronts-- then unity in AM will be nothing but a far-off dream, i.e. it will be spoiled. Baba says, "However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another." (PNS-15) Hence to establish unity in AM, there must not be the presence of any faction or group. None whatsoever. Then and only then can we raise the saffron flag of AM and proclaim that our Marga is united.
Some may also be thinking that (a) our Marga can succeed if the family margiis take over the mission or (b) if the wt's alone control AMPS. But both these concepts are totally defective. Baba's view is totally different. In so many places, Baba firmly states that our Marga must be comprised of Wts and Family people-- and furthermore there must be coordinated cooperation between the two. That is the speciality and dynamism of the Marga. Here below, in these following paras, Baba clearly states how both family margiis (householders) and wholetimers (renunciates) are needed for the success and prosperity of our mission. Baba says, "The dedicated monks and nuns of Ananda Marga have accepted their life of renunciation not out of any escapist mentality, but to further the cause of human welfare; and through their service, they seek to lead human beings along the path of righteousness to the abode of Supreme Bliss." (AFPS-3) One of the specialties of wts is that they can go anywhere, anytime. For the cause of dharma they can be sent to any remote location on this earth and begin propagating the ideals of AM. This is one of the great benefits of the wt system. Whereas family people-- due to their many worldly obligations-- often do not have the flexibility to travel here and there for indefinite period in order to do mission work. So wts are needed. Baba says, "Family people are required to know the necessary rules and regulations for living an ideal family life, and must follow them in both letter and spirit. They will have to take the vow to render more service to the society." (AV-7) Likewise family people also have their distinct role. By establishing themselves in local regions, ideal householders form the fabric of society by engaging in all sorts of occupations: From business to education, from medicine to agriculture etc. So many projects are carried out by househoulders as well as social service and the propagation of dharma. By being established in one place, ideal family people rise up as local leaders to guide the society. Hence it cannot be denied that only one side is needed. Rather there must be both ideal wts and ideal householders. This is Baba's guideline. Baba says, "One should first understand the two paths [wt or householder] and then take a vow to follow one of them faithfully." (2 January 1979, Patna)
And here Baba warns us what will happen if there is not (a) unity in ideology, as well as (b) coordinated cooperation between family margiis and wts. Baba says, "Due to lack of coordinated cooperation, collective effort, a proper ideology and sound planning, society has been fragmented into many belligerent groups and sub-groups." (AFPS-9) Thus if we do not pay heed to the above points of unity in ideology and coordination between householders and renunciates, then get ready for more and more groupism. That is Baba's fateful decree.
By Baba's divine grace, our Marga will soon become something to behold on this earth. Namaskar, Manindar
On 25th, 26th, & 27th Jan'08 seminar was organised by local margiis & DS in Shimoga, Karnataka. When A'c Sampu'rn'a'nanda came there as trainer of ranchi administration he was questioned by local margiis about the cancellation of DMS,Anandanagar of 2008 he couldn't reply satisfactorily. He was told by margiis to leave the place immediately. He ran away with the Rector & it was learnt that they were hiding themselves in the master unit of Shimoga.A'c Vimalananda also came there to influence some margiis known to him to get inclined towards ranchi group.His main intention was to divide the local gruhi margiis,but all his efforts went in vain.The local margiis unitedly conducted seminar. They listened to the lectures delivered by local senior margi didi, Manjula & few other senior margii dadas. Everything was in Kannad language.So local margiis & new comers felt very happy to know about Baba & His philosophy. Especially the margiis who know Kannad language only felt very happy.The whole purpose of seminar as Baba envisaged could be served. Similarly in Orissa the margiis decided to hold seminars in local language in the convention organised on 31st Dec & 1st Jan'08 after the cancellation of DMS programme. Kolkata group met Dr.A.K.Mohanty & requested him to organise seminar so that their trainer would take classes on their selected topics. But he refused & conveyed about the decision taken by margiis collectively. Note: It is a matter of regret that these sanyasi brothers & sisters are being divided into more & more number of groups. So there are more than one DMS, / seminar / administration in our organisation. The gruhii margiis are fed up with these groups & advocating for one DMS / Seminar / administration.The various groups intend to conduct seminar,DMs etc. only to show their authority over the margiis.Now all the margiis have understood this,therefore they don't want to hear from any central representative of any group unless until all the groups are united. Ganesh Bhat
****************************************** Summum Bonum
Baba says, "Spirituality is the summum bonum of life in all its aspects." (I & I, 'Cosmic Brotherhood') Note 1: We all know that spiritual sadhana is the ultimate human activity and the be-all and end-all of human existence. It is the sweetest expression of life and by the grace of Parama Purusa it is this sadhana which transforms ordinary humans into divine beings. Thus sadhana has an extraordinary role in human development and progress.


REPORT ON SEMINAR AT SHIMOGA,KARNATAKA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 25th,26th & 27th Jan'08 seminar was organised by local margiis & DS in Shimoga,Karnataka.When A'c Sampu'rn'a'nanda came there as trainer of ranchi administration he was questioned by local margiis about the cancellation of DMS,Anandanagar of 2008 he couldn't reply satisfactorily.He was told by margiis to leave the place immediately.He ran away with the Rector & it was learnt that they were hiding themselves in the master unit of Shimoga.A'c Vimalananda also came there to influence some margiis known to him to get inclined towards ranchi group.His main intention was to divide the local gruhi margiis,but all his efforts went in vain.The local margiis unitedly conducted seminar.They listened to the lectures delivered by local senior margi didi,Manjula & few other senior margii dadas.Everything was in Kannad language.So local margiis & new comers felt very happy to know about Baba & His philosophy.Especially the margiis who know Kannad language only felt very happy.The whole purpose of seminar as Baba envisaged could be served. Similarly in Orissa the margiis decided to hold seminars in local language in the convention organised on 31st Dec & 1st Jan'08 after the cancellation of DMS programme.Kolkata group met Dr.A.K.Mohanty & requested him to organise seminar so that their trainer would take classes on their selected topics.But he refused & conveyed about the decision taken by margiis collectively. NOTE:It is a matter of regret that these sanyasi brothers & sisters are being divided into more & more number of groups.So there are more than one DMS,/seminar/administration in our organisation.The gruhii margiis are fed up with these groups & advocating for one DMS/Seminar/administration.The various groups intend to conduct seminar,DMs etc. only to show their authority over the margiis.Now all the margiis have understood this,therefore they don't want to hear from any central representative of any group unless until all the groups are united. Ganesh Bhat


Namaskar, We very much regret to report the mahaprayan* of Sri B.V. Rajagopalan a great devotee of BABA. At the time of his mahaprayan, Rajagopalanji was 79 years old, and his mahaprayan occurred in Coimbatore South India at 1 A.M, 25th January 2008. Respected Rajagopalanji was an ardent devotee of BABA since 1967, more than 40 years in all. Furthermore, Baaba stayed in his house at Coimbatore twice-- in the year 1967 and 1969. Two DMCs held in Coimbatore in 1967 and 1969. In addition, he was an instrument for their being held so successfully. Rajagopalanji was imprisoned during emergency 1975-77 for more than year in Coimbatore jail. He translated BABA'S speeches and books into Tamil. A very intellectual person having full knowledge of BABA's philosophy both social and spiritual. He had the capacity to convince anybody of BABA's sublime philosophy. He also had good contact with many people both margiis and non-margiis. BABA blessed him with MICROVITA SADHANA. At the time of this Mahaprayan, we pray to almighty BABA to take him unto His lotus feet. With deepest respects, Yours brotherly, Bhakta Vatsalam * Mahaprayan (Death): Many are aware that mahaprayan (death) is the common term used in India and especially in Bengal to describe the death of an honoured or even ordinary person. In that way the newspapers of Bengal are regularly citing the mahaprayan (death) of various persons of society who died or passed away. Some may get confused and wrongly think that the word 'mahaprayan' (death) is one extraordinarily devotional term to be used in association with Parama Purusa. But that is not at all the case. Rather to do so is only to undermine the eternal presence of Parama Purusa. That is why no devotees ever use the word 'mahaprayan' in reference to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna. Because Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna exist eternally. Then there is no question of Their mahaprayan (death). And for those who need still more technical proof then all this can be clarified quite readily by referencing the dictionary. Specifically in the Samsad Bengali-English dictionary on page 742. Checking there it will be confirmed that the word 'mahaprayan' means death. Which is why it used to refer to the passing away of even common citizens.

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